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Empower Fraud Prevention with

No-Code Platform

Uncover Patterns, Create Models, and Streamline Fraud Detection Efforts with Ease

Watch how we leverage advanced analytics and intuitive design to load data, detect patterns, and create customized models for fraud prevention.

 Fraud Detection and Pattern Discovery



Why is it important ?

Pattern recognition is crucial for fraud detection, as inadequate measures can lead to growth restrictions from regulatory agencies like BaFin in Germany. For instance, N26 faced a three-year growth restriction until their solution addressed all necessary fraud detection, ultimately spending €100 million to resolve the issue. Read more about it here.



How can Arkanna help with real-time fraud detection?

Arkanna's no-code knowledge graph platform enhances real-time fraud detection by swiftly identifying complex patterns and relationships in data. Once the patterns are tested on our platform with anonymized data, they can be hard-coded into the infrastructure using Knowledge Graph API, ensuring seamless integration and robust fraud prevention.

Why Choose Us

Empower your team with our intuitive platform, simplify fraud detection, and proactively mitigate security risks effortlessly. Unveil both familiar and novel patterns in your data, enabling you to pinpoint trends, irregularities, and potential security breaches accurately.

Clients and Partners

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Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
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Connect with Us

Get Started Today: Sign up for a free trial and experience the efficiency of Arkanna in enhancing your fraud detection strategies.


+33 7 53 56 75 02


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Mentions Légales


Publication : Février  2020 


Le présent site, accessible à l’URL (le « Site »), est édité par Arkanna, société par action simplifiée (SAS), inscrite au R.C.S. de Lyon sous le numéro 878 719 111, N° de TVA intracommunautaire: FR 82878719111, dont le siège social est situé au 59 rue de l’abondance 69003 Lyon, représentée par Eric DELEGLISE, Président.

Arkanna se situe dans les locaux de 1kubator à Lyon.


Le Directeur de la publication du Site et le responsable du traitement est Eric DELEGLISE, Président. 

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59 rue de l’Abondance  - Etage 7

69003 - Lyon

04 37 66 02 62

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©2019 Arkanna 

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