The solutions proposed by the marketing department are more and more numerous and complex. As discussed above, they are often composed of several technological bricks, such as software, services, consulting, training and physical products. These same technology bricks can be present in several solutions. In order to know which solutions contain which bricks and to know the right solutions to present to the customer, it is important to have a visualization of the catalog, and find a link between solutions and technological bricks as well as of the targeted audience for each of them.
So your sales consultant won’t spend time preparing the presentation and could absorb the new marketing material in an easy way.
More importantly a one Unify system is important to monitor the KPI of your sales activity beyond CRM metrics.
Our solution :
A system to let you visualise all the marketing material coming from the marketing department including the complexity of all your solutions (with a high mix of technology, services, training, software…)
Intuinet is our visualization solution that gives sales consultants a visualization of the solutions and their technological bricks, really quickly.
Arkanna Unify System allows the sales team to have all the catalog at hand, with an efficient visualization of the available solutions. The system is directly linked to the marketing department.
This way, the salesperson can easily use the sales playbook corresponding to his meeting and have a relevant customer presentation without spending too much time preparing it.